Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Awesome Stuff

Hey folks! It's me again, care :o) So I'm going to share about things that I think are awesome.
Starting from the top:
1) Glazed Doughnuts
2) Extremely Sharp Pencils
3) Homework Free Days
4) Sales
5) Chocolate Milk
6) Camping
7) Sleeping In My Bed After A Long Trip
8) The Smell Of Roast In The Oven
9) Watching Scary Movies During A Storm
10) Clean Sheets On My Bed
11) Gift Cards
12) Pig Tails
13) Pigs
14) Playing Basketball When It's Raining
15) Going To The Zoo And Taking Pictures
16) Making Up Words
17) Reading A Good Book
18) Finishing A Project
I could add about 2 million more things, but I'm sure there is not enough room for all of my awesome words on here. So, I won't even try. Comment and add your own favorite things about life! :o)